An off-white, mid-fire stoneware. This clay has great plasticity coupled with low shrinkage, which makes it highly versatile and robust. It fires to an off-white/light cream color. Best used at...
Easy throwing, versatile stoneware clay. Fires buff to grey in ox. Useful for all domestic ware and hand-building. 50 mesh Cone 6 - Shrinkage 14%, Absorption 1.8% Cone 7 -...
A high-fire version of our Potters Mid Fire White Stoneware. Highly plastic with exceptional workability. Fires to an off-white/light cream color. Useful for all applications. Mesh size 50 Cone...
A rich red coloured terracotta body with low shrinkage and optimal workability for all applications. 50 mesh Drying shrinkage 5-7% Cone 02 - Shrinkage 13%, Absorption 6.3% Cone 3 -...